Aimbot Hack For Minecraft Download

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Aimbot Hack For Minecraft Download
Every wanted to use a hack that allows you to cheat without breaking the rules? Well you can now?
This plugin provides a aimbot feature for arrows which will 100% of the time hit the target
It works by getting when the player has shot a bow and gets the location of the arrow and teleports it to the nearest entity, but the thing is it just looks like a player has shot a bow normally with the arrow still going in the air upon teleport
No permissions for a player to do this! But if you want permissions contact me and ill give you a custom version or create another resource with permissions!
I made this because I was playing on a server and I was pvping a noob to decided to put on those sexy hacks and beat the s*** out of my but when he the fired the bow the arrow curled to me but when he shot it i was at a different position