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Elgin Watch Company
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Case serial number

The Online Database for the Elgin Watch Company can tell you a great deal of information about your watch, based on just the serial number off the movement. (The 'movement' is also sometimes called the 'watch works'.)


  • The serial number must be off the movement of the watch (where the gears are), not off the case. These two serial numbers are unrelated. For more information see the Watch Serial Number web page.
  • You must give the letter prefix of the serial number, if there is one.
  • If you don't have an exact Serial Number, you can use many other Search Options. There is a lot of flexibility here.
  • There is an example with explanations that goes over every part of the search results. The Watch Codes are similar ones are used by many experienced watch collectors. Also the names that are marked on the movement have been abbreviated.
  • If you have a quartz watch, one that uses a battery, one with alogo, instead of the name 'Elgin' on the dial, or anythingmade after around 1965, then you are pretty much out of luck. I havezero information about these newer watches. For a longer explanation,see my Newer Elgins webpage.
  • If you have a wrist watch, and the only number on the movement is a three digit number in the range of 500-999, then there is no serial number. You may be able to get some limited information by entering the query'g=<number>' (where <number> is replaced with the 3 digitnumber)
  • This database is the most complete and accurate records of Elgin watches that I know of. That said, I know of errors in it, and I know that it isn't complete. If there are any discrepancies, verify the serial number. If the serial number is correct please let me know about the problem by emailing me.

How to Open a Watch Case

While opening a watch isn't rocket science, a watch can be damaged if you try to open it incorrectly. Never use a screwdriver to try to open a case. I find using my finger nail to be quite effective and it is soft enough to not scratch a watch case.

If you really aren't sure what to do, take it to one of your local jewelers and ask them to show you how to open it. While it is open, make sure you record everything written on the movement of the watch and the watch case. These details can sometimes be important.

Kent Singer has written up a good explanation of how to open a watch case.

Chris Ozdoba has also written up a good explanation of how to open a watch case. Chris' explanation isn't as detailed as Kent's, but it includes pictures which can be very helpful.

Elgin Watch News

If you visit this website frequently, you may be interested in some ofthe things that have changed recently.

30 Mar 2005

Sometime in the next week or so, I will be moving my website from one ISP to another. In theory, this should all be transparent to everyone and there should be zero downtime. If things don't go well, you might have problems connecting for a while, but rest assured that I'll try and fix any problems ASAP.

29 Mar 2005

The power supply on my webserver went out last night. I bought a new one, it is installed, and things appear to be working ok now. Sorry about the 12hr outage.

Older news can be found in thearchive.
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