Shanghai Card Game Score Sheet
Oh Shit is a classic trick winning card game. Played with a full deck of standard playing cards without any Jokers. It is a close cousin to the game Oh Hell and has varying rules depending on where it is played. These are the rules that uses.
Game Objective
The aim of the game is to score more points than your opponent.
There is a total of 19 rounds in the game. The number of cards dealt to each player is determined by the round. Ten cards are initially dealt and then one less each consecutive round until only one card is being dealt. After the one card round an additionally card is dealt each round until there are 10 cards dealt.
Starting the game
The following steps are repeated for each round:
- Cards are dealt starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
- The trump suit is shown (see trumps).
- Each player makes their bid for the round starting with the player to the left of the dealer (see bidding and scoring).
- The player to the left of the dealer plays a card of their choice.
- In a clockwise direction each player plays a card. If a player can follow suit they must.
- After each player has played their cards the trick is evaluated. The person who played the highest card of the lead suit (the suit the first player played) wins the trick. The only exception would be if a player could not follow suit and trumped the trick. Under these circumstances the person who played the highest trump wins the trick.
- The person who won the trick then leads the next trick.
- Steps 5 - 7 are repeated until all cards have been played.
- Record the scores and deal the next round.(see scoring and bidding)
The Value of Cards
Mar 04, 2013 Card Values. The cards are ranked (high) K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 (low) An ace may be ranked either high or low. Jokers are wild; Starting a Game To determine who deals first, the deck is shuffled and cut and each player draws a card. The player drawing the lowest card delas first. Thereafter, the deal passes from player to player to the left. Starting a Game: To determine who deals first, the deck is shuffled and cut, and each player draws a card. The player drawing the lowest card deals first. Thereafter, the deal passes from player to player to the left. Shanghai Rummy Dealing:11 cards are dealt to each player in each deal.
- Printable Shanghai Rummy Score Sheet. Shooting Targets. Gin Rummy Score Sheet. Printable Templates. Printable Templates.
- Rules for card games, Samba is closely related to Canasta, but introduces a couple of variations that for some, make the game that much more enjoyable. For a start, both Groups and Sequences count, and you use three decks of cards.
Card values from lowest to highest are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A. Hence an ace would beat any other card and a 2 would beat nothing. The exception to these values is if a card is a trump. The highest trump card is the Jack of the trump suit and the Jack of the same colour also becomes a trump and is the second highest card in the game. Hence, if spades was trumps the highest valued card in the game would be the Jack of Spades and the second highest would be the Jack of Clubs. Under these circumstance the Jack of Clubs would be played at any time a spade could be played.
Trump Suit
After the cards are dealt each round, a card is turned over and its suit is declared the trump for the round. A trump like any other suit can only be played if it is lead or if a player does not have any cards of the suit that was lead. However, unlike other suits, if a player can't follow suit and instead plays a trump the highest trump will beat all other cards regardless of their values. Hence, if spades was trumps, a player lead with the Ace of Hearts, the next player didn't have any hearts and instead chose to play a Two of Spades because it is a trump card the second player would win the trick.

As noted earlier the Jack of a trump suit is the highest card in the game. Furthermore, the Jack of the same colour in the off-suit is the second highest. The off-suit trump for the all purposes in the round becomes the trump suit.
Scoring and Bidding
At the beginning of each round, after looking at their cards, players bid how many tricks they expect to win. Bidding starts with the player to the left of the dealer. As a result, the dealer always bids last. The dealer may not make a bid that will result in the sum of player bids for the round being equal to the number of cards in the round.
At the end of each round, players are awarded one point for each trick they won. Furthermore, players who achieve their bid exactly are awarded a bonus 10 points for the round. Notably, players who win more than what they bid do not receive the bonus points.
External Links
Read about Oh Hell! rules and other great card games.
Shanghai Rummy is a variation of Contract Rummy. The principaldifferences between Shanghai Rummy and Contract Rummy are:
- There are ten rounds.
- Eleven cards are dealt to each player in every deal.
- There is a limit to the number of buys allowed.
- There is a limit to the number of jokers used in a set or sequence.
- If you 'go out blind' (discard all your cards in one play), you earn a bonusof 25 points (50 if you haven't used a joker). Note that a bonus subtractspoints from your score, not adds them.
- Number cards count as 5 points each for scoring, rather than the index valueof the card.
Each deal has a different contract, which consists of somecombination of Sets and Runs:
Round | Contract |
1 | Two Sets of 3 |
2 | One Set of 3 and One Run of 4 |
3 | Two Runs of 4 |
4 | Three Sets of 3 |
5 | One Set of 3 and One Run of 7 |
6 | Two Sets of 3 and One Run of 5 |
7 | Three Runs of 4 |
8 | One Set of 3 and One Run of 10 |
9 | Three Sets of 3 and One Run of 5 |
10 | Three Runs of 5 |
A 'buy' or the 'May I?'is when an out-of-turn player takes the upcard. Thisworks basically the same as it does in Contract Rummy - the player has to drawan extra card from the stock, and cannot play the cards immediately, but mustwait for his turn. If more than one player wants it, the one closest to thedealer's left has precedence.
There is a limit to the number of buys allowed. In contracts 1 through 8, eachplayer is only allowed 3 buys per hand. In contracts 9 and 10, each playerallowed 4 buys per hand.
Note that in later rounds more than 11 cards will be needed to complete thecontract, so buying discards will be required.
Use of jokers works the same as in Contract Rummy, except that thereis a limit to the number of jokers used in a set or sequence:
- 1 joker may be used in a set of 3, or a run of 4
- 2 jokers may be used in a run of 5
- 3 jokers may be used in a run of 7
- 4 jokers may be used in a run of 10

Printable Shanghai Card Game Sheet
For the remainder of the rules, refer to Contract Rummy.
How To Play Shanghai Rummy: Rules And Game Instructions
The description of Shanghai Rummy at includes the following additionalvariations from the rules above or the standard Contract Rummy rules:
There are only 7 rounds, with these contracts:
Round Contract 1 two sets 2 one set, one run 3 two runs 4 three sets 5 two sets, one run 6 one sets, two runs 7 three runs with no discard
The seventh round requires 12 cards, and so will require the drawn cardplus the 11 cards in the hand in order to meld. Unless cards have been bought.Then the extras will need to be laid off as normal for the player to go outand win the round.Melding Rules
- Aces are always high in a run. A-2-3-4 is not a run.
- Consecutive runs in the same suit (such as 6-7-8-9 and 10-J-Q-K)cannot be put down by the same player in the initial meld. Runs can,however, become consecutive later, when they are extended by adding extracards.
- A player cannot put down two sets of the same rank - six eights do notmake two sets.
- A joker can be used in a meld as a substitute for a missing card. A setor run cannot contain more than one joker (but a player can meld more thanone joker provided that they are used in different sets or runs).
- Further cards can be added to your initial meld and to other playersmelds in the same turn that the initial meld is laid down or in laterturns.
The 'Shanghai':
This occurs when a card is discarded which could be added to one of the meldsthat is already on the table. There are two situations:
- If you deliberately discard a card which could be added to an existingmeld, you can call 'Shanghai' as you discard it. This prevents it from beingpicked up by the next player or being 'May I?'d in that player's turn. Thiscan happen, for example, when you have not yet made your initial meld, butwish to get rid of a card from your hand which happens to fit one of theother players' melds.
- If you discard a card which could be added to an existing meld withoutcalling Shanghai, then any other player (even a player who has not yet putdown their contract) may call 'Shanghai', and add the discard to a meld. Thecalling player then offers their hand to you face down, and you must draw acard from it and place it in your own hand. The player to your left thentakes their turn as normal.
Note that a 'Shanghai' takes precedence over a 'May I?'. If a player calls'Shanghai' to protect a discard or to take a discard and add it to a meld onthe table, this stops any other player taking that card with a 'May I?' onthat turn.
The ScoringThe penalty points for cards remaining in players' hands when someone goes outare as follows:
Card Points 2 - 7 5 points each 8 - K 10 points each Aces 20 points each Jokers 50 points each