Skip Beat Manga Vol 1

SkipBeat!, (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. Read 65 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Is a cool manga and lots of people have. The characters in Skip Beat! (and there's a plethora of them) are all so wonderfully made that they make the story interesting when the romance in the story develops slowly. Unlike most, Skip Beat!' S man protagonist is not ultimately focused on love. I fact, she refuses to allow herself to be in love until about 120+ chapters in.

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by Yoshiki Nakamura

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Kyoko followed her true love, Sho, to Tokyo and supported him while he made it big as an idol. Now, he says she means nothing to him, so Kyoko sets out to become even bigger than Sho, but finds that her bitter heart may be her undoing.
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Read Harder 2019: A book of manga.
AnnaWaffles | Aug 28, 2020 |
A young girl gets her heart broken, and decides the best method of revenge is becoming a celebrity more famous than the guy (her best friend) who broke her heart. Fantastic characters, a great plot, and show-biz! I can't wait to read more! ( )
book_lady15 | Apr 3, 2020 |
26:32 ( )
keikii | Jan 23, 2020 |
WOW! You know those little books that end up surprising you…? when after a few pages you think you know where that shit is going? And then BANG you get a 180 no scope right in your face! That’s what this little manga did to me! it all start with this girl Kyoko, you get drop in what you think is going to be a romance story. She left school, she abandoned her life, she gave up everything in life for her boyfriend… the only problem is that her boyfriend is one of those Diva dudes who only care about themselves… and there was I thinking that this shit was going to be about the power of love over coming everyting! And making her boyfriend realize what an ass he was… but then one day she walks into her boyfriend while he is having a conversation with his agent… and he is bragging on how he used her to pay for all his expensive taste… how all he had to do to get himself a slave was ask her to come with her, how she have to have 2 jobs to pay for his fancy apartment and his food!! What an ass!!!!! Then right there… something beautiful happened… Kyoko heard everything!!!! And that’s when that little manga turned into something beautiful!! It was not the romantic crap I thought It was going to be… oh hell no! this is a psycho bitch revenge story!!! Like Kill Bill! Kyoko goes into a rampage trying to get him and fuck him up…. But she can’t touch him cuz he is a famous Pop star and has security around him… so what she does? She decides to become a pop star herself in order to get her revenge!!! (I know it don’t make sense! But since when what psycho bitches do makes sense?) and its just mad fun for there on! She does voodoo, she stalks talent scouts, she shows amazing knife skills! Hell she even out runs a taxi in a bike while chasing one scout! Bitch is crazy! Maybe I’m reading between the lines… or reading more than what there actually is to it… but this is one sick little manga! I’m seriously looking forward to read the rest of this series! I’m impressed with it!!! highly impressed! ( )
Alfonso809 | Apr 3, 2013 |
Fun and hilarious. Kyoko is awesome, and I love her little group of minions. ( )
BrynDahlquis | Dec 28, 2011 |
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Skip Beat! (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 1 by Yoshiki Nakamura
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Kyoko followed her true love, Sho, to Tokyo and supported him while he made it big as an idol. Now, he says she means nothing to him, so Kyoko sets out to become even bigger than Sho, but finds that her bitter heart may be her undoing.

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The story:Skip beat manga vol 1 english

Skip Beat Manga Read

High schooler Hana loves only two things in life: eating and sleeping. In fact, she loves sleeping so much she studied relentlessly to get into the prestigious high school down the street simply so she could sleep in that much longer. But, when classmate Izumi literally runs into her one day, he asks her to join the field hockey club. Of course, Hana realizes the morning practices will ruin her morning sleeping routine, so she says 'no.' But, the promise of traveling to away games, with luxurious futons and delicious, regional food, draws her in. Just what has Hana gotten herself into?
Reaction: This is a really hilarious story with a very non-traditional heroine. There's no pining after Izumi (although he does like her), nor trying to attract any of the boys in this reverse-harem comedy. Instead, Hana's true love -- food -- seems to draw her into each silly predicament and adventure the hockey club has. There are also several parallels to that other reverse-harem comedy, Ouran High School Host Club, especially with the rich boys who have the money to do anything and travel anywhere, a cold, right-hand man to the club's leader and goofy twins who play off one another all too well.

Skip Beat Manga Vol 1 Online

Deep thoughts: Hana's sleeping addiction reminded me of narcolepsy, or when people fall asleep suddenly for no reason, at any time. In some ways, she seems to have that problem, too, especially when she performs feats of extreme strength or athletic ability during her naps. I also love Hana's 'food comas,' wherein she falls fast asleep after sharing a big meal, often with Izumi. Anyway, it's not uncommon for teenagers to sleep a lot, as it's when they're growing the most. When I was in high school, I think the longest I slept was for 17 hours after being awake for 32 hours straight. But, that pales in comparison to the 64 hours Hana sleeps for in chapter two!
SkipArtwork: While Ai Morinaga's art isn't the most detailed I've ever seen, it does seem to be a step up from the standard shojo fare. Although the cast of characters doesn't seem particularly distinct judging from the volume's cover, they are easy to tell apart within its pages (with the exception of the twins, of course). Scenes are also done well, panels flow nicely enough and the food has a realistic look.
The verdict: VolIf only... This book has almost too many parallels with Ouran High School Host Club. While I do enjoy the premise itself and like that there is a heroine who isn't all moon-eyed by being surrounded by all those handsome boys, I can't help but compare the two. But, on its own, My Heavenly Hockey Club is a funny and enjoyable read, and a nice change from the usual romantic comedy. My Heavenly Hockey Club is available in the U.S. from Del Rey.