Vfr Flight Plan Form
- See full list on faa.gov.
- Free VFR flight planner, alternative to SkyDeamon, SkyVector. VfrFlight is a free, crossplatform tool for VFR flight planning developed by real world private pilot. It can be used for real world flight planning and trainings in FSX / FSX:SE / Prepar3D / X-Plane 10/11 and FlightGear.
- Flight Plan type VFR IFR DVFR acft ident acft type, spcl. Equipment departure point route of flight destination name & city est. Time enroute hours mins remarks fuel on board alternate airport pilot's name, address, phone, & acft home base number on board color of aircraft destination contact / phone (optional) cruise alt. 1 2 3 true airspeed 4.
Flight plan type vfr 2. Aircraft identification 4. True airspeed knots 8. Route of flight 9. Destination (name of airport and city) 10. Time route hours minutes 14. Pilots name, address, telephone no. And aircraft home base 17. Destination contact/telephone (optional) close flight plan with 12. Fuel on board minutes hours 16. Color of aircraft.
ForeFlight Mobile

ForeFlight taps you into the real-time flow of data and information in the air traffic control system. File your flight plan, get briefings, and communicate more effectively with air traffic control.
What's New: Mobile Pre-Departure Clearance (PDC) & Digital ATIS Learn More
File Your Flight Plan on iPad, iPhone, or on the Web
ForeFlight saves you time and taps by automatically populating most of your planning details into the flight plan form, including your selected route, departure time, estimated time enroute, as well as ICAO codes and performance data from your aircraft profile. We send your flight plan directly to ATC with no additional configuration required. Your flight plans and preflight Briefing automatically sync across mobile and web for easy access wherever it is most convenient.
File IFR & VFR Flight Plans
ForeFlight supports filing IFR flights to and from the US and within Canada, Caribbean, Bahamas, and Mexico, as well as within and between all EUROCONTROL member states and Greenland using the ICAO flight plan format.
To learn more about the countries ForeFlight supports for filing, click here.
VFR Flight Plans
File intra-Canada and cross-border VFR flight plans between the US and Canada, as well as within and between most EUROCTONTROL member states. VFR flight plans should be opened in the country of departure and closed in the destination country.
File ICAO Flight Plans
The FAA has discontinued support for the domestic flight plan form and all civil aircraft are now required to use the ICAO format when filing both VFR and IFR flight plans. ForeFlight already supports the ICAO flight plan format and this video walks you through how it works, including how to set up the necessary fields in your aircraft profile.
When You File with ForeFlight:
- Access optimized, preferred, and ATC cleared routes
- Your aircraft ICAO codes are automatically set up
- Receive your PDC via text and email*
- View ATIS in the app*
- Receive your expected route
- Receive your expected departure clearance time
- Receive a copy of your briefing via email
- Receive adverse condition alerts
- File with a FFL call sign for security and privacy
- Easily amend or cancel from any device
*Requires a Performance-tier plan.
Quickly Compare & Select Routes for Filing
ForeFlight’s Graphical Route Advisor tool recommends the best wind-optimized and EUROCONTROL validated routes, and has a user-friendly interface so you can generate a route, file it, and get on with your mission.
EUROCONTROL-Validated Autorouting
For routes in Europe, ForeFlight’s proprietary routing algorithm produces EUROCONTROL validated IFR, YFR, or ZFR routes within a matter of seconds. Simply tap the desired route to add it to your plan. When available, EUROCONTROL generated route proposals are also shown. The estimated route performance calculations based on your aircraft profile are displayed for each route.
Recently Cleared ATC Routing
For US and Canada flights, ForeFlight displays recently cleared ATC routes along with information about when the most recent clearance for that route occurred, the number of times that route was cleared in the past year, the type of aircraft and altitude range for which the route was cleared, and estimated route performance calculations based on your aircraft profile. ForeFlight actively curates the list to eliminate routes with invalid or expired waypoints.
Video: How to Use Graphical Route Advisor
Pre-Departure Clearance (PDC) & Digital ATIS
We partner with Satcom Direct to automate delivery of your departure clearance at over 70 of the busiest airports in North America, simplifying operations and reducing frequency congestion. After you register your aircraft, file with ForeFlight and automatically receive your full clearance via email and SMS. In addition, you will receive the current ATIS as a text message. PDC and Digital-ATIS are included with Performance Plus and Business Performance plans.
Flight Notifications
After you file, ForeFlight automatically sends emails and push notifications to your device when:
- Your flight plan is acknowledged by Air Traffic Control
- Air Traffic Control issues a revised expected route (US)
- Adverse Weather Conditions arise that may affect your flight
- There are delays due to Traffic Management Initiatives in effect (EDCT and CTOT)
Activate, Amend, Cancel, Close
Amend or cancel IFR flight plans, and activate or close VFR flight plans directly from the app. ForeFlight ensures your flight plan requests are expedited into the Air Traffic Control system. We also send you an email copy of each request for your records.
ForeFlight Graphical Briefing
ForeFlight's Graphical Briefing transforms the standard text briefing information and delivers it in a visually elegant design for better readability.
Go By Your Callsign
If you operate with an FAA-registered call sign, you can enter that information into your flight plan form. Your N-registered tail number remains visible to ATC via the Remarks section. Learn more about registering for a callsign on the FAA’s website.
Vfr Flight Plan Form Printable

International Navlog Template
Change the layout of ForeFlight’s Navlog with the “International” template, offering an alternative format with more space for note-taking and other changes. The International template includes extra space for notes and a layout that some operators may prefer for international flights.
I started The Packafoma Post primarily as a video production blog, but sometimes my obsession with aviation sneaks in as well.
» Go to VFR flight planning forms (PDF)
A better VFR flight planner, featuring a simple layout with radio frequency column.
As a student pilot, I relied on the Jeppesen flight planning sheets that I found stacked next to the photocopier at my Santa Monica flight school. They were free and adequate.
I am extremely picky when it comes to flight preparation, however, and as I learned more, I became less satisfied with the forms. They made very poor use of space and lacked an area for radio frequencies or runway information. I tried some alternatives from ASA and Dauntless, but I disliked them even more. The well-advertised offering from Dauntless deserves credit for ingenuity, but I’m pretty sure if I ever actually used their origami style of flight planner, I would end up performing some unintentional aerobatics.
Vfr Navigation Form
Keep in mind that I am someone who went through five flight bags in my first few months of training before I found one that I liked, and that was after making a lot of special modifications myself. The same remains true for pretty much everything from flashlights to kneeboards to sunglasses, all of which take on more gravity — pardon the pun — when you start flying.
So not long after I got my private pilot certificate, I decided to create my own flight planning form. I kept it as simple as possible but spent many hours fine-tuning every inch. I have been using it ever since. It was worth the time just for my own use, but I think a lot of pilots will find that it’s an improvement over the commonly available flight planners.
I’m a tech geek, and I appreciate that a lot of pilots are using electronic flight planning methods these days. An iPad is a great addition to any flight bag, but I still prefer to plan most flights with a pencil and paper. I feel like this forces me to learn the route as I create it, which is why I found it particularly helpful as a student pilot.
Vfr Flight Plan Form
For a bullet list of enhancements and to download the free, printable PDF forms, follow this link: Flight plan forms
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Cessna 172SP for X-Plane 9 (Widescreen HD with Steam Gauges)
Video: Landing at Santa Monica Airport